Available courses

A Database Management System (DBMS) course covers topics such as:
  • Database design: Includes relational data modeling, entity-relationship modeling, and database design theory 
  • Database management: Includes database security, administration, and transaction processing  
  • Database implementation: Includes data definition and manipulation languages, and query coding practices  
  • Database technologies: Includes XML, RD, OWL, parallel, and noSQL databases 
  • Database applications: Includes web-based database applications and multi-tier client/server architectures  
  • Data normalization: Includes functional dependencies, non-loss decomposition, and first, second, and third normal forms  
  • Data structures and file organizations: Includes concepts and principles of data structures and file organizations  
  • Data analysis: Includes data and query optimization 
DBMS courses may also include a term project where students design and build a database system. 
DBMS courses are relevant to many industries, including banking, education, manufacturing, sales, transportation, and human resources.  

MATLAB is a high-level programming language and interactive environment widely used in engineering, mathematics, and scientific computing. It allows users to perform computation, visualization, and data analysis in a single environment. MATLAB stands for "MATRIX LABORATORY," emphasizing its powerful capabilities for matrix operations, which are fundamental in many scientific and engineering applications. It provides a vast array of built-in functions for tasks ranging from basic arithmetic to advanced signal processing and machine learning. MATLAB also supports the creation of user-defined functions and scripts, enabling customization and automation of tasks. Its plotting and visualization tools make it easy to generate various types of graphs and charts for data analysis and presentation. Additionally, MATLAB integrates seamlessly with other programming languages and software, making it a versatile tool for scientific research, engineering design, and algorithm development.

This course will enhance the student's communication skills and proficiency in English Language. Covering essential elements such as phonetics, speaking skills, speech development, presentation techniques, punctuation rules, and mastering tenses, this course will help the students equip in both written and spoken forms.
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of prose components, offering insights into diverse styles through essay analysis. Students will develop proficiency in crafting well-structured paragraphs, essays, letters, precis, speeches, and resumes. This course will help in elevating the communication skills and professional writing capabilities, positioning the students for success in various contexts.
The operating system helps in improving the computer software as well as hardware. Without OS, it became very difficult for any application to be user-friendly. The Operating System provides a user with an interface that makes any application attractive and user-friendly. The operating System comes with a large number of device drivers that make OS services reachable to the hardware environment. Each and every application present in the system requires the Operating System. The operating system works as a communication channel between system hardware and system software. The operating system helps an application with the hardware part without knowing about the actual hardware configuration. It is one of the most important parts of the system and hence it is present in every device, whether large or small device.